Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Different Types of Cells

NEURON CELL (pic from google images)
MYOCYTE CELL (pic from google images)
EPITHELIAL CELL (pic from google images)
Neuron cells are also known as nerve cells and are located in most animal cells.  They play a main role in the nervous system.  In addition, they do not go through the process of cell division.  Myocyte cells are known as muscle cells.  Like neuron cells they are found in animal cells.  Epithelial cells are are cells that are really packed together to form the epithelium.  The three cells are alike because they are cells located in most animals.  The cells differ because neuron cells control the nerve system, myocyte cells play a role with the muscle and epithelial cells make up the membrane tissue that protects the internal organs.

5 Major Nutrients



http://www.foodwoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Food-for-Minerals.jpghttp://www.happyhealthylonglife.com/.a/6a00e54fc8012e8833014e87560163970d-450wiCarbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body.  Some of the carbohydrates are monosaccharides and disssacharides.  Simple carbohydrates do not need to be broken down while complex carbohydrates do .  Some food that are high in carbohydrates include breads, pastas and cereals.  Fats are formed from fatty acids and glycerol.  The body may use the fatty acids to produce cell membranes and myelin sheaths.  They help protect the organs and keeps your body warm.  Some fats can be considered saturated and unsaturated.  Examples of fat foods are butter and oil.  Proteins help raw materials grow and fix the skin and muscles when hurt.  An example of a protein is hemoglobin which is found in red blood cells that transport the oxygen in blood.  Foods that are rich in proteins are meat and beans.  Vitamins are organic molecules that aid in regulating the body and work with the enzymes.  The two types of vitamins are fat - soluble and water - soluble.  Some examples of vitamins include Vitamin C and Vitamin K.  Minerals are inorganic nutrients the body needs but in little amount.  Calcium and iron are some examples of vitamins that the body needs. (all pics from google images and information from biology book prentice hall: student edition)         

Monday, October 24, 2011

Comparing Microscopes


The difference between the electron microscope and the compound light microscope is that the electron microscope contrasts with the background and produces and black and white image.   The light microscope  produces and image with a bit more color  and can be less focused compared to the electron microscope. (pics from google images)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scientific Method Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
 inference - thoughts and ideas from pas knowledge
theory - hypothesis that is well supported
observation - way of gathering information using the five senses
data - information from observation
conclusion - writing piece ending experiment
control experiment - type of experiment that is left unchanged
variable - component of an experiment
hypothesis - educational guess upon an experiment